I'm terrified by my own fear.
As I change into my Daredevil suit, I can feel death's cold breath eveloping the air around me. Suddenly, I'm that helpless girl who wants to shirver forever in the dark corners. My tougue can taste the absolute emptiness in the air. It makes you want to cough something out from your throut even though you know nothing is there. I can hear death's distant laugh echoing in my brain over and over.
So why am I doing this?

Perhaps because inside of me, there is that little devil who wants to break herself free from that shrivering girl in the corner. Abraham Lincoln said "the only thing to fear is fear itself." Simple and elegant truth, but how many people are willing to face their own fear, their own excuse, their own weakness. We accomplish nothing if we fear failure. If only I can show that we can be stronger."